
During my first year of college I went through some form of a crisis.. Nothing unusual for me, though. During that semester I worked a lot with my English professor. She just got me, and we communicated on the same wavelength.

I had a long conversation with her about all of the millions of things that were on my mind and causing me anxiety. I tend to not let things out or work through my emotions. It’s a really terrible thing, actually. You keep all these nasty feelings deep deep in you and they rot and fester. The pain is no longer on the surface, but instead it eats up your insides.
This conversation happened before even knew that about myself. But she recognized it in me; very type-A of me. So she suggested the following: go to the water. I looked at her somewhat baffled, confused. She meant actual water: river, stream, creek– any body of water. I thought she was crazy, but I gave it a shot. I had nothing to lose.
When I got to the Great Falls of the Potomac River, I just stood in front of the little waterfalls and submerged myself in their sound. I tried not to think too much, but let go. I’ve always had issues with letting go.. But I found that the water helps.
So I’m back at that moment in time where I needed a break from my mind and my heart. Just a bit of a reset. I took the 101 to the 405 to the 10 to the PCH, and here I am in Malibu. It’s dark but you can still see the waves washing on the beach. They seem strong and violent. The cool wind feels awfully unfamiliar on my skin since its been so unrelentingly hot recently.
And I’m here putting my thoughts, emotions, feelings, worries out for the ocean to take. I’m taking a deep breath of salty air and hoping that everything will be ok.


I am done with you.

I am done thinking about you. Rewinding to these moments, these flashbacks in my mind. I am done wishing that things ended differently. I am done having hopes of having it back.

I am no longer idolizing you. I am no longer seeing as you as more than who you are. You are a coward. I was brave. You were dishonest. You made me feel feel ashamed of my honesty. You made me question my ever move, thought, word.. I am done giving you that power over me. I am letting you go. I am done hoping that you were still here.

I am done being in pain, hurt over you. You are not worth it. I am worth more than that.

Like a tashlich, I am here taking out all these negative emotions, my sins and leaving them here on this page. I am letting myself cry over you. Finally accept my feelings and not stuffing them down in the hopes that some day you’ll be here to hear them.

Letting it go.. letting it go..

Moving on.